I looked back in my text. Nick said he put in his PTO request for September 2nd through 18th. If memory serves me right we want to be ready to begin the ride in Mexican Hat on Tuesday morning the 6th. That will give us 10 days to ride the BDR. Get back to the trucks and get home by the 18th. At this time I can haul a bike in the back of my truck, plus three on trailer. That's four bikes for 4 people in my truck. I can pull a bigger trailer if someone finds it. But we will need an additional car or truck to transport the other people and gear.
The Oklahoma guy on the DRZ sounds okay to me.
I'm planning to drive to Price, UT., unload everything and then ride south to Mexican Hat. It will be about the same distance to ride back to Price from the north border when we finish the ride. Those two travel days will be just about all pavement. Price is also really close to the route. So, midway through our ride we could stop at the truck to replenish supplies if needed.