WOW what a year! Record numbers, Record Heat, and I will say a Record amount of fun. Everyone will hopefully give their own report. But here is mine. Simply put. Thank You fellas. Eddie, Larry, Mike you make all of the trails fun possible and you went above and beyond this year with weather challenges and short time frames of workable weather. Just thanks for being who you are!
Vic, Derek, Pat, Mike, Dane you guys are the always reliable guys who bring home the folks that show up and we never have to worry that they are in safe hands. Thanks! Mackenzie, I am so proud of all your accomplishments, from learning how to ride not long ago, to building confidence and then riding and planning your own route, looked like no ladies were gonna show, and I am so happy one did! Thanks.
Chris, that golden compass, I had my doubts, but turns out your are an evil genius! Thanks.
If you read this and have a report. Please post up. I only took 1 picture the whole time. So I don't have much to offer. But I had a blast and again. Thank you all!