I have been on several rides in this area with many from this group but I have treks that are not on the major roads that all of these rides have been on. Mostly oil field roads ungated and no postings, open range cattle guards only. Nothing extreme but certainly some fun stuff for most any bike. Parts of this include some roads used in the "Dirty Kanza" but before it gets muddy.
We will start in Olpe,9-10 AM head west then south and can make the traditional stop at Teeter Rock, then work our way north along the Lyon/Chase Co. line to Emporia for lunch at the Wagon Wheel. Can head out from there to Kahola lake and back toward Olpe to finish by 3-4 PM.
Anyone hauling parking will be available.
Regardless of where I have been, this date has never let me down for superb weather!