I use two services. If you have an android phone, Google Photos is an automatic (lite.rally) choice. You can choose to have your phone photos automatically upload and it is easy to share photos to places like Facebook and Twitter but it doesn't share to here or other forums quite as easily. If you let Photos compress your pictures, you get unlimited storage for fee. If you want to save full size or RAW format, it comes out of your 15 gb total Google Drive storage.
A lot of sites make you share from a link rather than uploading photos. The link generated from Google Photos often doesn't work. For that I use Imgur. Imgur doesn't even make you sign up if you don't want to so it is easy to try. Signing up makes it easier to organize your pix. I like that you can upload pix up to 20 mb in size and I haven't seen a storage limit.
I'm sure there are others, especially for the Apple folks but that is what i use.