2018 Flint Hills Stampede - Eureka

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Offline will_kc

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2018 Flint Hills Stampede - Eureka
« on: September 25, 2018, 05:36:45 AM »
2018 Stampede Ride Report
Southern Route
Friday 206 miles
Saturday 222,5 miles

Friday Riders
William Brentlinger (Lead) KLR650
Benton Duff DRZ400

The day started with light rain ending at 8:30 A.M.  The roads were soft and dustless the first half of the ride.  Kickstands up at 9:00, riding south to Fall River.  At the lake damn we encountered a large group of buzzards using the wind to play.  We rode non-stop through Elk Falls to Sedan for fuel and continued on.  We buzzed through the north edge of Elgin for a quick drive by and a vista view of Oklahoma north of town.  Cedar Vale  was our next stop for a quick saddle break and fuel before riding on to Beaumont checking out the wind farms on the way.  No planes to see, so we kept on moving.  We made a wrong turn at Temple Knob on two track and ended up running into Brett and talking for a few minutes.  After getting turned around we  finished the two track to Reese  and black top to Eureka.  We arrived at 3:50 with not a problem one the whole day.

Saturday Riders
William Brentlinger (Lead) KLR650
Becky Bright DRZ400
Mike Bright KTM 690
Dow Butts KLR650
Monty Brown Africa Twin
Kyle Janzen DR650
Nick Bright KLR650

The day started announcements, swag and  a visit from a deputy sheriff with a million questions on where we were going and what kind of riding we do.  He ended up with our website address and it sounded like we might have another rider join the forum. Kickstands up at 9:15 and headed south.  The roads were dusty from the start.  The ride through Fall River to see the damn was a nice break from the dust.  Next stop was the old 1890s bridge at Elk Falls for a look and photo shoot.  Sedan was our next break for fuel and lunch at Bucks BBQ. Mike had a rattling muffler that took a bit of TLC to quiet down.  Downtown Eglin was our next stop for more photos and the vista view of Oklahoma.
A quick stop at Cedar Vale for fuel and on we went.  The group was almost to Beaumont when we noticed a plume of smoke in front of us.  We ended up being stopped by smoke over the road and had to reroute back to black top to get around the grass fire. The black top route took us back to Beaumont and we hopped off the highway to finish the ride on two track back to Eureka. No major mechanical problems and arrived at 5:30 P.M. This ride was a monument moment for Becky.  Longest and fastest ride she has even done!
07 KLR 30K and it's still going strong.
20 KLX 230 - The little green machine.


Offline Woody469

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Re: 2018 Flint Hills Stampede - Eureka
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2018, 09:53:22 PM »
Great report Will, sounds like damn smooth ride for all!
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